Bill is the the most senior skipper in the fleet at 90 years old, and has worked tirelessly to promote the class perhaps more than any other owner. Well known for his skill at the helm, he shares a few thoughts about the boats, the championship and the Stewart 34 family. Continue reading “Bill Miller On The Stewart 34”
Rum Racing
Rum racing on Thursday is not just about the rum, although there is some involved in the post match celebrations! The Stewart’s routinely pick up most of the prizes at the Ponsonby Cruising Club’s weekly fixture with between 5 and 8 Stewarts each race day. The racing is casual as there is no series prize, but its close, very competitve and no one wants to lose!

If you havent raced before, its a great way to learn the basics and spend a very enjoyable afternoon with other owners and crew. It is also an opportunity to test your boats state of tune against other top performing Stewarts or to get a ride on another boat and learn a few new tricks! For those who simply want to have a sail, the price is a few beverages for the best time on a central Auckland Thursday afternoon all year round. Contact Cherry for more details.
Overtaking On The Downwind Leg
Overtaking On The Downwind Leg
The same rules apply downwind as on the upwind legs. When boats approach each other, a starboard tack yacht has right of way over a port tack yacht under Rule 10. Similarly a windward boat or an overtaking boat has to ensure they don’t intrude under rules 11 and 12 respectively. So nothing really changes with the big three in section A of the rules. Most situations are relatively straight-forward when two boats merge on a down-wind leg. However there are a few that need clarification.